QSACK & Associates provides acquisition strategy experts and personnel to support the acquisition of major weapon systems, technology, and products by DoD and civil agencies. Our staff works to standardize business processes between programs and contractors to ensure a clear evaluation and comparison of program performance metrics is available and lessons learned are properly applied.
Our acquisition support teams serve as a catalyst for corporate information management. In fact, as systems complexities increase, our teams work with program managers to ensure an integrated approach is achieved that best leverages and integrates new technologies. Through this joint integrated acquisition perspective, QSACK & Associates redefines technologies and business performance to optimally build interoperable systems and capabilities.
QSACK & Associates understands the environment and pace at which our acquisition community works and we provide support in critical areas. QSACK & Associates combines the technological solution(s) into a common interoperable solution, ensuring the government achieves its objectives on-time and within budget.